
Interested in Advertising?

Radio advertising is a highly effective way to reach a large and diverse audience. The Harvesters FM radio network has a loyal following of listeners who tune in regularly, and we’re constantly growing our reach to new audiences. When you advertise with us, you have the opportunity to reach thousands of potential customers and supporters throughout Atlantic Canada every day.

But it’s not just about quantity – it’s about quality too. Our listeners are engaged and attentive, which means that your message is more likely to be heard and remembered. Together with Harvesters FM, you’ll have a cost-effective way to reach a large and targeted audience. We offer a variety of advertising options to suit your needs and budget, from brief announcements to sponsored segments and more.

Plus, when you advertise on our radio station, you’re supporting local Christian media and helping to build a strong and vibrant community. We’re committed to providing high-quality programming that informs, entertains, and inspires our listeners, and we’re proud to be a trusted source of inspiration for our region.

Want to learn more? Reach out to Harvesters FM and ask how we can get your message to our listeners.

– or call the office –

Phone: (506) 872-2901 or Toll Free: 1-855-330-0335