November 28 @ 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

A Demon-Haunted World?

A Demon-Haunted World?

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Join us for this monthly series of Prof Talks with Ratio Christi at Crandall University and Reasonable Faith of the Greater Moncton Area as we interview professors and discuss important issues related to the truth and relevance of the Christian faith!

This month’s topic is “A Demon-Haunted World?” and will feature an interview followed by an open discussion with Dr. Merrill Greene!

Is demonology even a subject that either people in general or Christians in particular should be delving into? Is there evidence for the existence of demons outside the teachings of the Bible? How might the existence of demons play into a larger case for Christian supernaturalism?

This meeting is free to attend, open to everyone, and runs from 6:00 PM-7:30 PM in SH212 at Crandall University (333 Gorge Road).

Bring your questions and join the conversation!


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