November 13 @ 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Revive Us Again Prayer Meeting

Revive Us Again Prayer Meeting

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You are invited to attend the first REVIVE US AGAIN prayer meeting on November 13th at 1pm.  (Zoom link below)

Come together for an online time (45 min) of encouragement and prayer as we join with partners in the radio and media industry to ask for spiritual revival in our land.  Please invite your colleagues to attend!

This is a prayer initiative that will occur four times a year on the 2nd Wednesday of November, February, May and August.

For more information please reach out to Tamara at this email address.

Join us as we come before the Lord to and ask Him to Revive Us Again!

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“Won’t You bring us back to life again so that your people can rejoice in You?”  Psalm 85:6  (CEB)

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